Kap?lar seçilirken tasarruf amac?na reva olarak d?? etkenlere en dayan?kl? malzemeleri ye?leme k?lmak en yararl? sonucu alman?z? katk?s?zlayacakt?r. Nitelik uygulay?m bilimi ve kapsam ar-ge birimlerimizle sizin için en birinci s?n?f malzemeleri üretmek midein çabal?yoruz.
Villa kap?lar? kilit sistemleri d?? etkenlere kar?? dayan?kl? olmal?d?r. Villa kap?lar? imal?nda kullan?lan gereç ve donat?lar?n niteliklerindeki çe?itleme d?? etkenlere metanet düzeyini de?hizmettirebilir.
Villa kap?s? bât?nin bir numara kap? ?eklinde tasarlanan kap?lar
Doors that are used in clean environments to control air permeability. Preferred especially in operating theatres these doors are certified accordingly.
The life of this door is the same kak?m the other doors. The reason for being cheap is the mechanism in the sheets and locks used. For
Villa doors, which are resistant to knocks and impacts from the outside, have strong hardware features that are resistant to fire and various abrasions.
An advantage that we bring, is that our pivot hinge hardware is nearly invisible. Putting all the focus on the main attraction: the door. Needle